Tombstone Studios

Project: Robes & Wrinkles




Robes & Wrinkles is a first-person, physics-based, power-fantasy game developed for PC – targeted towards a PEGI 12+ audience of secondary school to higher-education players.

Set in 15-16th century medieval times, the player is placed in the robes of a villainous …yet geriatric Sorcerer.

Betrayed by their “loyal” apprentice: they are usurped from their throne and rule atop their tower and kicked down to its very pits.

Progressing from room-to-room, ascending floor-to-floor: the player must reclimb.

Puzzles must be solved, abilities used strategically, and physics-based combat engaged in effectively to advance; facing warped and twisted remnants of former allies corrupted by the magic of the tower’s treacherous new ruler.

Only when reaching the summit will the player be able to confront the turncoat, discover the truth and exact vengeance.

Robes & Wrinkles is infused with comedy, comic-book visuals and interactive gameplay.

It turns the serious to satire wherever possible by incorporating motion capture animation, farcical voice acting and chaotic ragdolling physics.

Already 9 months in the making: we intend to release a fully-complete Robes & Wrinkles onto the Steam digital marketplace in late June/early July Summer 2025 – 6 months following DunDev’s conclusion.

About the Studio

Tombstone Studios

Tombstone Studios is a limited company formed in 2024 comprising of 4 Games Design graduates from Kent, South-East England.

Friends since 2021, team mates since 2023, the teams consists of:

Joe Ruck – Producer/3D Artist Liam Shelley – Lead Programmer/3D Artist/Animator George Lyst – 2D, 3D, VFX Artist Aaron Haffenden – Level Designer/Supporting Programmer/3D Artist

Unsurprisingly, given that we each intend to break into the games industry – we’ve each grown up playing games. Surprisingly however, given the age range (22-30): we each have very similar tastes and senses of humours!

We’re a dedicated bunch who love injecting our mixture of quirky personalities and inspirations into our projects and, collectively, dream of turning our small team into a legitimate and thriving indie game development studio – with DunDev setting us on that trajectory.

We each have experience in ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ skills and combined, a large amount of game development knowledge. However, we want to capitalise on DunDev’s offerings by soaking up and absorbing the industry experience available at the residency,: focusing extensively on marketing and business related development, in addition to the continued development of our IP.

About the Team

Joe Ruck

Joe Ruck


As the Producer for Tombstone Studios, my role is to manage the team and our game's development. I do this through project management, utilising Agile methodology, dealing with contracts/adhering to legal protocol and liaising with external companies and individuals. I also create assets when time permits as a 3D Artist!

Liam Shelley

Liam Shelley

Lead Programmer

Alongside being the Lead Programmer for Tombstone Studios, I have a passion for finding unique (and generally more classic) games to play and often learn from! As I am responsible for the mechanics and AI within our game, discovering new methods and techniques is part of my consistently diverse role.

George Lyst

George Lyst


My role on the project is as the 2D/3D/VFX Artist. As we are a small team, I am responsible for a wide variety of tasks along the game dev journey. I love working alongside my team and I strive to create a game that we are all proud of.

Aaron Haffenden

Aaron Haffenden

Designer and Programmer

I am a Level Designer & Gameplay Programmer. I have worked in these fields for over 3 years and have had great opportunity to apply these skills and passions into our game Robes & Wrinkles, our company and our professional careers: with many ideas still to bring to life!