UK Games Talent and Finance CIC is a community interest company that has been established to help develop the UK games development sector, particularly at the early stage. We are not for profit and do not have share capital.
Our aim is to boost the UK’s games business and talent ecosystem. We want our funding to create jobs, promote diverse new teams, enhance skills and increase the amount of new games IPs in the UK. In short, we’re working to support the UK’s early-stage games development community.
We run both Tranzfuser and the UK Games Fund, supporting the whole spectrum of start up games developers; from talented graduates to more experienced SMEs.
We’ve learned from previous projects that this type of support can have a positive impact. The logic behind our approach is that by increasing the volume of creative teams and talent that have real-world experience in developing their own titles under their belt, the greater the chance of one of those teams and titles becoming a significant success.
The breakthrough may not come from the original project we support, but every project has positive learning impacts that are taken through into business and or personal career development.
We also think that it’s important for the UK games development sector to have its own funding delivery body, to capitalise on any opportunities that emerge in the future. We’re not a trade body or membership organisation. We are highly supportive of all of the work of Ukie and TIGA and plan to work with both during the life of this project.